Frankie Ballard's 'Sunshine and Whiskey' video celebrates both whiskey and kisses in a Pueblo village in southern California.

The clip begins with Ballard driving a vintage Porsche convertible down a dirt road, with his guitar in the passenger seat. When he arrives to the village, the first thing he sees is the girl -- a beautiful brunette. He makes friends with the locals with the help of, what else, but a few whiskey shots. Ballard follows the girl, which eventually leads them on a ride that ends with a few kisses next to his parked car, since he doesn't "want to get a DWK -- driving while kissing."

The 'Sunshine and Whiskey' video isn't all kissing and drinking, however -- Ballard also strums his guitar and sings the catchy tune in a dusty desert alley. His outfit fits the scenery perfectly, with an earth-toned button down left open to show a white T-shirt underneath and a pair of simple blue jeans.

Like with all good things, Ballard's time with his new lady interest must come to an end, and the singer drives off into scenery.

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