Julianne Hough never hesitates to push the envelope when it comes to sexy, as fans can attest who remember her yowza-inducing "Is That So Wrong" music video.
Julianne Hough and her new husband have been sharing honeymoon photos this week, and her latest pic leaves little to the imagination. But hey, the birthday girl can celebrate however she wants, right?
After attending an innocent party over the weekend, singer/actress Julianne Hough found loads of controversy for her Halloween costume. And now, even her brother, Derek Hough, admits it wasn't her brightest moment.
Julianne Hough has seen lots of great moments in her 24 years, as she's done some major film work, won 'Dancing With the Stars' and had hits on the country music charts. Yet, one of her greatest moments involves country star Blake Shelton, and it doesn't have to do with dancing or singing -- but it does involve tequila.
It's not uncommon for stars to sport animal skins of some sort at red carpet events like the Golden Globes, but typically that's in the form of mink furs or alligator clutches. Julianne Hough took that concept and idea to a whole other level at Sunday's (Jan. 13) event, sporting earrings made out of real beetles and stick bugs.