Josh Abbott Band's "Amnesia" is making an impact on the radio, and especially at live shows. During this behind the scenes video premiering on Taste of Country, the singer talks about the response he's gotten from fans to his soaring ballad of heartache.

“This album is more for everyone who’s had heartbreak," Abbott says to begin the video. “(Anyone) Who’s had a serious relationship with someone not work out, for whatever reason. We wanted to tell that story on this album.”

Clips of the recording and preparing of the song follow, as well as conversations between the crew. The singer remembers writing the song with Shane McAnally and Josh Osborne. The co-write came one day after the same group wrote "Hangin' Around" for his Tuesday Night EP.

"I got there before Josh got there and I was there just hanging with Shane, and he said, ‘You know I’ve always wanted to write a song about amnesia, but I feel like no one would ever cut a song like that.’"

Abbott said he was game. It's not clear if the lyrics concern his personal love life, but his sincerity is real.

"After we recorded it, I wanted to create an intro for it because I thought that song was so special it deserved its own introduction, so there’s an acoustic guitar riff that’s playing eighth notes. I basically copied and pasted that for 52 bars and on the computer, and then the engineer and I went in there and grabbed little bits from the song and we randomly placed them in that, like randomly throwing darts at a board. And then I went in the studio and I was like, ‘Man, just record what I say.’ It took me two takes to say it the right way. That was a little emo or alternative — it’s not country in the least bit, but I thought it was really artistic. I’m really proud of that."

Look for "Amnesia" on JAB's new Front Row Seat album, in stores and online on Nov. 6.

See Photos of Josh Abbott Band at the Taste of Country Music Festival

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