A fed-up woman on Reddit is threatening to dump her mother in a nursing home if she doesn't stop "dangling" the prospect of her inheritance over her.

"I had a blow out with my mom some years ago and went full no contact for about five years, before I slowly started to let her back in to my life, while she learned to behave like a normal human being. Shortly before that blowout happened, she gave me her will and I had just assumed she would have changed it out of spite during that time of no-contact and, I absolutely did not care," she began.

The woman had "long stopped" taking any help her mother would offer, as it would always come back to bite her.

"If I had to round out time, say it's been 15 years since she gave me her will, 10 years since we cut contact and and five years since we got back on decent terms. I recently brought something up about my other parent's passing and she said, 'Speaking of all this, I need to go update my will,'" the woman recalled.

"I say, 'Update it to what? Last I checked, you are giving me 100 percent and your backup plan is to divide it between my cousins, If I happen to also be dead,'" she continued.

"She says, 'Well, I'm leaving nothing to them, because they will just give it to my (older) sister. You better be nice to me or I'm leaving everything to my cats.' My husband said she was only joking but, she's about 40 years too late to start having a sense of humor with me," the woman wrote.

"I'm most bothered by the fact that she's back to dangling this carrot over my head. She honestly thinks I'll eat her s--t until she dies, so I get my inheritance? Ma'am, if you want to play this game, do you have any idea how fast I'll stuff you into a nursing home? Threatening to leave me nothing, means I don't care if there is nothing left when you die," she concluded.

READ MORE: Wife Won't Share Husband's Inheritance With Mother-in-Law

Users in the comments section backed the woman and told her not to let the promise of an inheritance influence her relationship or self-respect.

"My mom would 'joke' about taking away my college fund if I didn’t 'act right.' One of the best things to ever happen to me was getting a 100 percent scholarship. It completely took the steam out of that threat. Keep the money, I’m good," one user wrote.

"My boomer dad used to threaten to yank my inheritance anytime I did or said anything he disagreed with. I finally told him, 'It's not MY inheritance; it's your money and your stuff. I honestly don't need it, and I don't care if you give it away, burn it, or spend it all, so stop bringing it up.' I didn't even realize I felt that way until I said it, but I meant every word. I felt more free that day than I had in a long time," another shared.

"You should act as if there is no inheritance at all. Don't let the abstract promise of an estate that may or may not have any value influence your relationship with her," someone else advised.

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