Country’s Most Shocking Moments – Natalie Maines Sports ‘F U T K’ Shirt
2003 was an exciting year in country music. At the ACM Awards in May, Dixie Chicks singer Natalie Maines wore a T-shirt with the letters 'F-U-T-K' on the front. It seemed like an obvious affront to Toby Keith, but the trio insisted the acronym stood for "Friends United Together in Kindness" or "Freedom, Understanding, Truth and Knowledge."
Months earlier, Keith had begun using a backdrop of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein next to Maines, but that was just the latest barb between the two. Needless, to say they weren't friends, and things came to a head at the ACM Awards. In their documentary 'Shut Up & Sing,' Maines admits the letters stood for 'F--k You Toby Keith.'