Best Mustache in Country Music
For the most part, mustaches have gone the way of the mullet, in that very few country men are willing to support a look that was as reliable as the cowboy hat in the 1980s and '90s. Alan Jackson held on to his until just recently, so we've included him in today's readers poll. Which country artist's mustache is your favorite?
To qualify for today's poll, an artist's facial hair had to be 'stache-centric. Colt Ford's lip fur blends into his goatee -- it's impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins -- but the overall look is classic outlaw. Joe Diffie has proudly sported the trucker look for years, as has Kix Brooks, except for a short period of time in 2011 when he grew a full beard. More recent pictures show him back to his more recognizable self.
If you can think of a country mustache past or present that tops these four men, feel free to add it in the comments section below.
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