Miranda Lambert knows a thing or two about what it takes to be a southern girl. In the November issue of Southern Living, the singer helps inquiring minds fully understand the term in her honest and straightforward way.

"[A southern girl] is sweet and hospitable, but also confident and strong," Lambert says in the interview. "A southern girl isn't a pushover and will kick your a-- if needed."

Lambert grew up in East Texas, surrounded by the country life. "We lived on a farm with a big garden and rabbits and hogs," she says, explaining that "some were pets and some were for food. It taught me how to live off the land, and that small town life made me who I am."

That living off the land also helped her for one of her favorite pastimes these days: hunting. "[My prized shot is] a 12-point buck that I hit with my bow while hunting in Kansas," she tells the magazine with pride.

One of the unique southern girl traits that Lambert has acquired over time is her passion for barbecuing, which she admits that she takes "very seriously."

"My family jokes that my smokehouse is nicer than my actual house," she says. "And we have a signature sweet red sauce -- it comes from my papaw's time working as a cook in the army."

And lastly, a southern girl knows well how to let loose, which is something she has to know about, being married to Blake Shelton. "Just last week, Blake and I sang karaoke on Broadway here in Nashville," Lambert says. "I did 'Something to Talk About' by Bonnie Raitt. Blake's signature song is Tracy Byrd's 'I'm From the Country.'"

Speaking of Shelton, the proud wife says she looks forward to seeing her husband's sometimes off color remarks made on Twitter. "I never know what he's going to say," she reveals. "If you're faint of heart, do not follow @blakeshelton."

This week, Lambert's latest single, 'Baggage Claim,' locks in the No. 3 position on the country singles chart.

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