In this intimate new video, Tim McGraw breaks down his song 'Everywhere' during a new performance for the American Express 'Pairings' series.

"Well 'Everywhere,' it was this real crucial time in my career," McGraw says of the hit. "The story of the song is the love of your life that you can't get out of your head, no matter where you go. Essentially, you can travel all over the place -- and us being gypsies as musicians are -- we tend to be drawn to those kind of songs. I think that's a current theme in music ... love and lost love and trying to get that love back."

'Everywhere, the second single from the singer's 1997 album with the same name, charted at No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard Hot Country Singles chart. In this video, McGraw, backed by a string section and a few guitars, lays down a performance that is just as emotional as the song itself, giving the small audience -- and now us -- a real treat.

Watch the Tim McGraw Live and Acoustic 'Everywhere' Video

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