Justin Moore Interview Part 2: ”Til My Last Day’ Singer Talks Next Album, Next Kid and Autographing Babies
We have a couple of questions from fans: What is the funniest thing that happened to you on tour?
Well I fell on stage a few times. I fell off stage a time or two. It's like old hat now.
I saw the video of that, and that's not a good situation. Like when you see the video do you want it removed?
No. Actually the time you're probably talking about I was out on tour with Miranda Lambert in Lincoln, Neb. and I really hadn't even been drinking. I literally was playing guitar and walked right off the end of the stage. Just walked off. Fortunately a gal who is bigger than me -- most people are, I'm tiny -- in one fell swoop she just kinda shoved me right back on stage.
I've signed some weird stuff. I signed a baby one time. Thank God it was born. I fought with this lady for 10, 15 minutes in line. I'm like, "Ma'am I don't feel right about this." And she held up the meet and greet line so finally I just signed it. I know child services is gonna catch up to me at some point.
Do you ever get tired of being famous?
You know I don't consider myself to be "famous," famous. But it's definitely different. I mean it's definitely not all glitz and glamor and you definitely have to understand that things are not ever gonna be the way they used to be. It's harder I think on my family than it is on me at times. We all appreciate it, and when people come up and ask for autographs and whatnot it beats the alternative. You don't want people not to care. And that's the reason we have a job, all of us. It's because people carry our butt.
It's tough to do this job. It's tough to have your first daughter born and have to leave the next day which is what I had to do with my first daughter. That's something I wouldn't wish on anybody. But we're very blessed to get to do what we do and we enjoy it. The longer you're in it the easier it gets.
When you made the video for ''Til My Last Day,' did you hope to inspire guys to make romantic gestures or was it to show women in the world that there are still good guys out there?
Neither. I was just trying to get the girls to go "Oh, he's so sweet. Despite what his outer-shell may seem, he is sweet." [laughs]
No, I think both to answer your question. I think there's still some good guys out there and I'm just glad honestly that I didn't have to act in this video.
If Kate was in this room right now and we asked "Is he romantic?" What would she say?
She'd say "Crap no! Not in the least bit!"
What is your idea of romantic to her? Like if you wanted to do something sweet for her what would it be?
I really am terrible at this. And it's not me trying to sound tough, I'm just awful at it. I'm the guy that waits until literally the day before the day of, and then goes "Oh, crap!" And then my idea usually is just to go spend a lot of money and try to make up for it. And it helps.