Keith Urban and you? If you went to a concert on Urban's 2011 Get Closer Tour, you just might be in the just-released commercial for AT&T's Samsung Infuse 4G. Urban and his fans at 50 concert stops posed for photos and videos -- that were of of course shot with the new phone -- and the snippets selected are now ready for TV.

"Music is all about sharing the moment. It's all about staying close to the things that are most important," Urban says in the commercial.

In a press release about the ad, he adds: "The way I look at what we do on the road is that we create an environment that brings people together. Singles, couples, friends, families, total strangers, all coming together to share the music, the moment and the experience. That’s what a live concert is all about to me."

Watch the commercial and you'll see that the 'You Gonna Fly' singer means that, as evidenced by the video of him snapping fan photos from the stage.

Watch the Keith Urban AT&T Commercial

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