Kip Moore to ESPN Host: ‘You Were Walking on the Fightin’ Side of Me Pretty Fast’
Following a brief Twitter feud, Kip Moore was invited to debate ticket scalping with ESPN radio host Jeff Thurn this week. Moore had a few words for Thurn and never deviated from his passionate stance on the matter.
But from start to finish, neither party wanted to back down. Moore says his biggest problem with how Thurn reacted on Twitter was saying his fight against ticket scalping was simply "a PR move."
"You rubbed me the wrong way," Moore tells the ESPN radio host. "You were walking on the fightin' side of me pretty fast with that. I realize that's your job and I'm trying to stay calm with this whole interview."
Moore insists one thing that's extremely important to him is keeping ticket cost low for his fans. He explains that he fought hard to get them that way, so it's not fair for ticket scalpers to jump in and raise them for hardworking fans before a show. The singer remembers his dad working to help his family afford to attend sporting events and wants to allow those same blue-collar workers to enjoy his shows.
"My dad ... I grew up going to Braves games and we could afford to sit in the high seats, which we never could now, the way we grew up," Moore says. "But what a release that was for a blue-collar family to go and do that together."
Moore urges that Thurn's way of thinking is "twisted" because he believes that it shouldn't be only those who can afford expensive tickets who attend his shows. "That's what I'm trying to fight for and that's the people I'm trying to fight for," he shares.
The 'Hey Pretty Girl' hitmaker adds that he's dialed things like production and cost back and is making less than some would think, just to keep his ticket prices low.
"I'm trying to make an affordable ticket and then all of a sudden these scalpers find out that it's a hot show and that they're selling out fast," Moore explains. "They have ways and means with their computer system to get tickets quicker than anybody else and you're telling me that's okay after all the work I've done over all the years to finally get to this position."
Moore held his ground while on the radio show, as did Thurn, who added that scalping is "completely legal," saying he thinks it's a "legitimate business." The two many not see eye to eye, but they both said their position and handled the disagreement well.
Where do you stand on the issue of ticket scalping?
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