Kristian Bush is Taste of Country’s newest guest writer. Each Monday in October, he’ll share the stories behind the songs he’s written and recorded for his new solo album, expected in 2015. His current single ‘Trailer Hitch‘ has entered the Top 40. Today, ToC readers can listen to and learn all about ‘Walk Tall.’

If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram or maybe even Facebook, you have seen me posting quotes or reminders, maybe once a day, to "keep going” and "never give up."

I started posting these things because I am on what is referred to as 'radio tour' in the business, traveling in and out of sometimes multiple cities a day, visiting friends and fans at radio stations across America and introducing them to my new songs, my voice and my stories. So while you might be enjoying the quotes on your internet wall, they are also reminders to myself to hang in there and keep my spirits up on these long days away from my home and my kids.

Today's Music Monday is that same kind of message. It is called 'Walk Tall.'

This song is a reminder to trust your heart and try to stay true to what you know is the right thing to do even in the face of something hard. To never give up on your dreams, no matter how tired you are, how much the odds are stacked against you, or how many people tell you it will never happen. We all do our best to make good choices when someone is watching, but when no one is around, what choice will you make? This song is a reminder that in the moonlight, when no one is looking, those actions make you the person that you are.

I wrote this song with my long time co-creator, Jeff Cohen, and the talented brothers from the band Needtobreathe, Bear and Bo. It stands for me as a lighthouse. A song to help guide me when I am feeling lost, to give me strength when I am feeling tired and remind me of the responsibility I have to be a better person, father, friend, artist, every day.

Listen to Kristian Bush, 'Walk Tall'

My favorite line: "It doesn't matter what you say / it only matters what you do."

This is the full band version of the song. I recorded an acoustic demo I posted a long while back on Music Monday, and it was the blueprint for this version. The recording you hear is one take all the way through. I played the acoustic guitar live and went back and recorded the mandolin.

When the sky falls, or your friends give up on you, or when love seems lost -- stand up straight and just keep walking. Never give up.

Atlanta, GA

Get to Know Kristian Bush

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