Reba McEntire has unveiled a beautiful video to showcase her song 'Pray for Peace,' and the clip features the singer -- as well as fans around the world -- praying for peace.

According to fellow legend Ronnie Dunn, McEntire chose to share the video with fans on her Facebook page because "no label knew what to do with it."

"The idea to write the song 'Pray For Peace' came to me last year as I was walking on our place in Gallatin, Tennessee," McEntire writes, explaining the song. "For days I’d sing, 'Pray for Peace,' over and over. It wasn’t until several months later did the other parts start to fall in place. Some, not until we got into the studio to record it."

"I feel this song is a gift from God," she continues. "I have never worked on a song as long as this one. It went from a bass drum, fiddle and singers to guest artist singing with me, adding more instruments and even a choir and a bagpipe!"

Says McEntire, "It’s an act of perseverance, prayer, hope, fellowship and mostly love."

In the powerful video, McEntire fans show their favorite places while also doing the same motions the singer does. She recently called on her followers to turn in videos of themselves praying for peace, and fans answered her request in beautiful ways.

'Pray for Peace' is available for free download on McEntire's official website  in exchange for your email address.

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