Brother trio Flat River Band revive cherished childhood memories in "God Bless the Radio," a new song that turns back the clock back to early days of crowding around a radio and tuning in.

In the music video for the song, the three performers deliver a breezy outdoor performance, interspersed with shots that underscore their reverence for a life in country music: Shots of backstage credentials and a tour bus winding through the mountains flit over the screen, before the video returns to the band mates' performance.

In a statement, the Flat River Band say that they want this song to highlight the irreplaceable feeling of hearing a song on the radio for the first time -- no matter what technological innovations have emerged over the years since they first fell in love with the medium.

"There is nothing that can take the place of hearing a song for the first time on the radio when you are running down the road trying to forget about the normal everyday struggles of life," the bandmates reflect in a statement. "Roll down your window, throw out your phone and turn up your radio."

Following the release of Flat River Band's new single, the group has a bustling tour schedule planned for the fall, and they are also at work on a Christmas project. Visit the group's website for more details.

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