Josh Turner, Chris Young, Darius Rucker + More Honor Their Dads on Father’s Day
Today, families across the world are celebrating the men who have helped shape their lives: our fathers! In honor of Father's Day (Sunday, June 19), Taste of Country has asked some of your favorite country stars to talk about the lessons passed down from their dads that have helped shape the men, women and parents they are today.
Josh Turner: "Probably just how to be a leader, even if nobody else agrees with you. If you're doing the right thing, it doesn't really matter if anybody agrees with you. He's always been a positive influence in that way. He's always trying to do the right thing, and he's been very bold about that even if the ones closest to him don't understand or don't agree. So that's been a great example for me."
Chris Young: "My dad had a heart attack six years ago, and in the past year and half he's been diagnosed with lung cancer. They cut a third of his lung out [and] put him through chemo. He's actually doing really well. He's doing great. But through all of that, I don't think I've ever really seen him get down in the dumps. He was always one of those people that was like, 'You know, power through it and just be happy with what you have when you have it.' Every day he gets up, it's a good day, and that's something I really think I'll pass on to everybody. Be happy with what you've got in life."
Darius Rucker: "The one thing I learned when I was really young that I really pride myself with is ... the value of being nice. It’s easier to be nice than to do something or say something that you’re going to regret later. That’s what I try to tell my kids. You don’t have to let anybody walk on you, but just always try to be nice."
Craig Morgan: "Probably the biggest thing I teach my kids that my dad taught me is don't expect too much from anybody. That way, you're not terribly disappointed. Also that hard work and good manners will get you farther than anything else."
Easton Corbin: "Just to be yourself. Be honest to yourself and be true to yourself. He's always been a big believer in that."
Josh Thompson: "It would be work ethic -- get up and go do it."
Chuck Wicks: "Just to be a stand-up guy. Just to be a normal guy and respect others and not be too big for your britches."
Eric Church: "I think hard, hard work and integrity are things that nobody can ever take from you. You earn those things. I guess it’s from growing up in a small town and growing up how I grew up. Those are more valuable than any amount of money or gold or success that you could ever have. I always try to out work everybody, and integrity is a big part of what we try to do, not only musically, but in life."
Danelle Leverett of the JaneDear Girls: "My father was the dreamer of the family. I watched him just try so many different things and fail. He ran for office, and he lost. He started one business and it flopped, and he went bankrupt. Then eventually he started a business that did really well. Now he’s living his dream, and he’s out on a ranch with horses and cows … living the simple life that he’s always wanted. He taught me to never give up and that persistence pays off … not be afraid to dream, even if everyone around you thinks you’re crazy. If your heart’s telling you to do it, you’ve got to do it."
Trent Willmon: "My dad taught me to fix things. We never bought anything new when I was growing up. If something broke, we patched it, welded it, soaked it in WD40, wrapped it in bailing wire or duct tape and kept on using it. I still have that mentality to this day."
Chris Lucas of LoCash Cowboys: "Dad always taught me dedication, perseverance and to pursue excellence! My father and I were best buds, and we talked at the same time everyday. It was just that friendly reminder that he was thinking about me, letting me know he loves me and missed me. Every night when we play [our last single] 'Keep in Mind,' I know that my dad is there in spirit, holding my backbone together, saying, 'I'm here with you!' I know he has been smiling down when it comes on the radio. I miss him so much."
Preston Brust of LoCash Cowboys: "My dad is a preacher. If you watch him preach, you know he cares about everybody. Then, after the lesson, he’s out in the lobby of the church as people are exiting. As a little boy, I would want to be with my dad so bad. I would watch him up there the whole time, and then when he would get done, he would walk by, grab me by the hand and let me walk to the back with him. I would be so excited. I’d jump right out when I saw him coming. I think he’s where I got my storytelling skills from and my caring about everybody skills, because my dad would make every single person feel important as they came out. Every single person mattered individually. He would always take the time to shake every single hand, hug, pray, laugh or just catch up with someone for a short second. I apply that to after our shows today. We always go out and sign after the shows. We hang around until the very last person gets out there. I’ve heard so many people say, ‘I love how you guys are with your fans and your friends.’ Looking back on life, it has something to do with watching my dad care about each person and really, genuinely being interested by giving them a handshake and thanking them for being there. He also taught me to never give up."
Michelle Poe of Burns and Poe: "I have two dads: my biological father lives in Ohio, and my step-dad who adopted us when my mom married him. We got his last name, Poe. He really got me into music. We had a family band growing up -- The Poe Family. We played local festivals, swap shops, nursing homes, and for anybody who would listen, really. That shaped me musically. He played steel guitar for Charley Pride back in the day and did some stuff with Donna Fargo so there's some history there, but he shaped me musically."
Jason Jones: "My dad is one of the hardest working people I know. He's a truck driver so he had to be gone a lot. He turned it into a business and did really well with it. I was always really proud of my dad because I see a lot of other guys who do the same things, but for some reason never make it happen. I feel like I have a good work ethic, and I thank my dad for that. Growing up with him and watching him go through everything he went through. He's always been really big on saying, 'Son, you can do anything you set your mind to.' When I left college I thought he'd want to kill me for pursuing a music career, but he was totally fine with it. He was very encouraging, and he still is encouraging. He likes coming out to shows. He can't wait ‘til I go on tour. He wants to follow me around. So I think I get my fearless, ‘I'll try anything’ and ‘I’ll make it happen’ attitude from my dad."
JT Hodges: "Never go half a--- [laughs]. Just always be aware of everyone around you, and do your best to put their interests ahead of your own. Kind of a 'do unto others' type thing. At the same time, never be afraid to speak your mind ... stand your ground."
Joanna Smith: "My daddy always told me, ‘Jo, can’t nobody be you like you can.’ That is a very simple statement, but I always carry that with me because in the music business, I’m not going to be the best singer … I’m not going to be the best looking … it’s hard to be the best at any one thing, but I am the best me, and there ain’t nobody else like me [laughs]! That is important. You can carve out a notch for yourself just by being you. I have a good daddy!"
Margaret Durante: "I was like the honorary son of the family. We spent a lot of time playing tennis together, and that was a lot of our bonding. That definitely made me tougher I think which is definitely important in this industry. There are things my dad taught me just about being comfortable with myself and being okay with that competitive edge that I definitely got from him more than anyone else. He gave me the confidence that I need. There are so many talented people here in this town. It's crazy. But he instilled in me the idea that I should give myself that shot, and I deserve that shot to at least pursue what I want to do."
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