Chris Young performed the new single 'You' from his hit album 'Neon' on 'Fox and Friends' in the Big Apple this morning. Hurricane Irene, who is reportedly on her way to the New York City area this weekend, hasn't arrived just yet -- and as a result, Young was able to perform on a bright and sunny day!

Sadly, summer is beginning to wind down and these outdoor breakfast TV performances will fade into the distance as the weather cools. Thankfully, we have the video clips so we can relive them over and over.

Nevertheless, on this late August morning, it was a crowd teeming with "Young" ladies who were singing along with the good-looking country star as he belted out his latest single, 'You.' Ladies love Chris Young, that's for sure! Watch the video of him performing, and that's all the proof you will need.

Young wasn't wearing a ten-gallon black cowboy hat, either, which allowed him to show off his facial features on camera. He just threw on a black button down, strapped on the acoustic guitar and crooned about the lady who manages to rock him "harder than some downtown band." Most of the ladies who turned out for his performance were probably wishing that Chris Young was singing about them. They can dream, can't they?

Watch Chris Young Perform 'You'

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