Lady Antebellum Celebrate 15 Consecutive Sold Out Shows
What do you do when a band has taken home every possible award and still continues to amaze? Think up another creative way to honor them. On Sunday night (March 11), the multi-Grammy Award-winning trio Lady Antebellum received plaques at the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minn., congratulating them on their 15th consecutive sold out tour date on their We Own the Night 2012 World Tour.
With the tour gaining momentum at every stop, Lady A are headed up to Canada, where they'll play a string of five shows to the audience that has made their single 'Dancin' Away With My Heart' the No.1 song this week on the Billboard Canadian country chart. Lady A are joined on their hugely successful tour by Darius Rucker and Thompson Square.
In the photo (above) of the 'We Owned the Night' singers accepting their plaques, the band is pictured with Fred Frank of Frank Productions (on the left) and Andy Warg of the Target Center (on the right). Tweeting after the show on the Lady Antebellum Twitter, Dave Haywood wrote, "Thanks Minneapolis!!!!! One of the best crowds fo sho! Now time for @ClubLaBellum hang! -Dave."
While their tour is keeping them remarkably busy, the members of Lady Antebellum have managed to carve out time for some additional appearances -- like their recent stop to play a show celebrating the 100th birthday of the Oreo -- as well as an upcoming performance at the ACM Awards and even some time to spend with their significant others. Haywood, who's getting married later this year, is also in the throes of wedding planning... though he admits he's loving it.
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