Lady A’s ‘Christmas Through Your Eyes’ Rediscovers the Magic of the Season [Listen]
Lady A rediscover the magic of the holiday season in "Christmas Through Your Eyes," a newly-released, festive original song that all three of the bandmates co-wrote as a tribute to their kids.
"I'm seeing Christmas through your eyes, yeah, it's been a while / The joy and wonder of your smile, Such a precious child," the trio harmonize in the song's gentle chorus. "Suddenly I'm drifting back in time / Seeing Christmas through your eyes ..."
Elsewhere in the song, the trio sing about the specific holiday moments that take them back to their own childhoods. They remember sliding down a snow-covered driveway with a trash can lid for a sled, getting cozied up in reindeer-themed family pajama sets and watching old homemade movies of Christmases past.
Charles Kelley, Hillary Scott and Dave Haywood all have kids who are old enough to really take part in the holiday season this year, and at a recent virtual media event, they offered a look into what Christmas will look like in their households this year.
"I think [the twins will] just love the lights on the tree, and one'll probably rip open every single present. We'll probably just have to wait, put them up on a shelf, so they don't get into them," Scott reflects. Her twins, Betsy and Emory, will be almost three by the time Santa arrives this year, while older daughter, Eisele, will be about 7-and-a-half.
"And my oldest, it's just that magic — the magic of it all. She's been pretty good about sleeping in ... on Christmas morning, even though she knows that Santa's coming," the singer continues. "And I'm wondering if this year it'll be the 4AM wake-up call."
"When you see [your kids] and you see their excitement [about Christmas], you kind of can't help but think of you at that age, and what you were feeling," adds Kelley, whose son, Ward, is four years old.
"Christmas Through Your Eyes" is the only original of four new tracks that Lady A are adding to their 2012 holiday album, On This Winter's Night, which the band re-released as a deluxe album on Friday (Oct. 30). The three other songs are covers: Lady A takes on the Beach Boys' "Little Saint Nick," Paul McCartney's "Wonderful Christmastime" and Ray Charles' "The Spirit of Christmas."
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